I’m so used to eating homemade mashed potatoes that I had to thing what other kind of mashed potatoes is there. How can they not be homemade. Then I remembered that I tried those supermarket instant mashed potatoes a few times years ago when I was a teenager and I didn’t want to be bothered with cooking. As long as it was easy and fast to make, I ate it. To bad I didn’t know then that even homemade mashed potatoes are simple thing to make. I could have spared myself a few “yuck is this real mashed potatoes plastic taste” I got when I tried the instant mashed potatoes mix. It’s just not the same. So, this recipe will be for all of you that are looking for a homemade mashed potatoes recipe.

- 2 pounds potatoes (russets or yukon golds)
- ½ cup half-and-half
- 3 tablespoons butter
- salt and pepper
- Let's get started. Take your potatoes and peel them. Then cut them in a few big pieces. Like three or four pieces. Sure they will cook for a bit longer but they will also suck in less water and taste better because of it. Now put those cut potatoes into a pot, cover them with cold water and add some salt. Bring them to boil and then let them simmer for about 15 minutes. How do you know your potatoes are cooked? Pierce one with a knife or a fork - if its soft then it's done.
- Now comes a little trick that will get rid of even more water and will make this homemade mashed potatoes recipe taste even better. First drain the potatoes and then return them to your pot and put them back on your stove set to low heat. This will make all the excess water evaporate. Just be careful you don't burn them.
- Now its time to mash the potatoes. Add some more salt and pepper (taste the potatoes!) and add warm half milk half cream and butter to your mashed potatoes. Then use a wire masher or a potato ricer or whatever... :) even a fork will work if you are in the wilderness :) and mash the potatoes. And you are done and this homemade mashed potatoes recipe is finished.
- Bon apetit!

Thanks for writing this.
Just followed your recipe and my mash is tasting much better. I think I’d been over boiling my pots and getting them all soggy. Didn’t know that was possible.
Add a teaspoonfull of olive oil and mash. a good way of taking oil without tasting it.
UMMMM…where does the 3 tablespoons of butter come in
Thanks for posting this up. Seems like it’s really easy so I’m going to try it out. This is my first time making mashed potatoes from scratch so let’s cross our fingers and hope it’s as good!
Thanks for the recipe. I was starving, read this and was ready to eat a decent-first-time-potato-mash. If i keep making, i could better it. Thanks again.
Thank you for this great web site! I have to make mash taters. So I found your web site and it is helping a lot. I don’t cook AT ALL! After doing this I think I may though. I had fun, your site is full of great info. I will definitely be coming back and trying more of your recipes.
I cook mine in either chicken or beef broth…when i drain the potatoes i save some of the broth mixture and add that in with the milk/butter–YUM
What cream do I use ? this is my first time cooking but this is really helpful ! Thanks
where is the BUTTER part. Check your reciepe
Uh, missed the butter, you add it together with milk before mashing the potatoes. Fixed!
From a total non-cook, how many does this serve?
You can use red potatoes as well and do not peel the potatoes which gives even more flavor.
Hi what kind of cream do you use? i have tried all other ingredients and would like to add this new one for better taste! thanks for your help :)
I like to use cream chease instead of milk it is firmer and just a bit smoother tast
Looking above I guess I can’t spell
What goes good in mashed potatoes herb wise- other then chives? I’ve tried rosemerry but didnt care too much for it.
I’m trying this today for the first time! Happy Thanksgiving!
Emily- maybe a bit of sage?
Great Recipe, taste great
This is an easy breezy way to make mashes potatoes and they taste great!!
it clearly states in that recipe when too add the butter for those that have been asking! Im having mash and onion gravy tonight. yum x
Try adding some finely minced garlic and parsley.
oooooo yumy.
How many people does this recipe serve?
hi, i’m french and i’m looking for a real mashed potatoes recipies like I used to eat in america.
the problem is that I don’t know how you guys make to have this taste because we have have “puree de pomme de terre”,wich is similar to mashed potatoes but not exacly the same.
have you a magic topic?
thanks for you answers…
Made this recipe for thanksgiving and everyone loved it. i have never cooked before. will be trying this one again. great site!
can you serve them cold or a day after you cooked??
@meral: well, people do it all the time…although I’m not sure this is the best idea… I’ll post a recipe that will give you and idea of what to do with leftover mashed potatoes :)
How many does this recipe serve?
Hi, can i ask if i use low fat milk, will it work? because low fat milk is a little bit tasteless.
@Lavender: any milk will “work” but as you said it with low fat you will loose a little bit of taste.
Thanks for this easy to follow recipe. Trying it out right now!
How many does the recipe serve?
Guys asking how many it will serve… Its 2lbs of potatoes. It depends on whether they are the main part of the meal.
Potatoes are $2 for 5lbs tops – why not try it and see?
Simple and effective recipe, thanks…
i followed your advices, just in the end, when i put the potatoes back to the pot, i added some milk. it became very silky!
how long dose it take to make?
i need to know!!!
fantastic site.
Was looking for ideas for mashed potatoes for my wife as im on cooking patrol tonight.
Will be sure to try all these fantastic ideas out!!
what is that
1/2 cup half-and-half
Mix in a half teaspoon of baking powder. This makes the mash fluffy and light and definitely works. You gotta mash the potatoes well to get rid of the clots
Just made it and love it!!! I love garlic, so I added couple cloves of roasted garlic …MMM…
I am out of milk and butter, and i only realised it after i finished everything. so added alittle bit of water in it. It tasted quite fine too! (:
Love your recipe. I got it right at the first time.
Hey thx for tha recipe i tried the evaporation thingie and it worked and i didnt burn em woot!!! now my mum can eat from me ^_^
Nutrtional factsss plzzz!
this might help to with the excess of water on your potatoes after boiling …. instead of peeling the skin before boiling; wash them good and don’t cut them just get as many potatoes as you need and put them to boil. Skin prevents the water from going in the potatoe; after they are soft put them in cold water for them to cool down and peel the skin with your fingers it will come off very easily.
Great tips! I have been making mashed taters off and on for several years. When I was a kid I couldn’t get enough! I have discovered I like my mashed potaoes with the skin on! Try it, you’ll see how much more flavor it adds! Also, vitamins in the skin! Use Idaho potatoes Scrub real well & remove yucky spots! I need to add salt to the water when boiling. (not to much tho) Love the tip about removing excess water, thanks! Also, I add lots of real butter, not margarine! yuk! Went to a relatives for dinner & she used margarine, I couldn’t eat it! I am the picky type~! Thanks again for all the great ideas! Enjoy!
This recipie sounds yummy…tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I wanted to try something different with my mashed potatoes. My recipie is similar to yours, but i’ve never used the half-n-half…need to run to the store to get some:) Happy Thanksgiving everyone:)
for those looking for the part where you add the butter….READ THE LAST PARAGRAPH YOU TWITS!!!
bit of garlic n parsely n sour cream will enhance the taste more just try it authentic naive mashed potatoes best served with Hot turkey .