I’m so used to eating homemade mashed potatoes that I had to thing what other kind of mashed potatoes is there. How can they not be homemade. Then I remembered that I tried those supermarket instant mashed potatoes a few times years ago when I was a teenager and I didn’t want to be bothered with cooking. As long as it was easy and fast to make, I ate it. To bad I didn’t know then that even homemade mashed potatoes are simple thing to make. I could have spared myself a few “yuck is this real mashed potatoes plastic taste” I got when I tried the instant mashed potatoes mix. It’s just not the same. So, this recipe will be for all of you that are looking for a homemade mashed potatoes recipe.

- 2 pounds potatoes (russets or yukon golds)
- ½ cup half-and-half
- 3 tablespoons butter
- salt and pepper
- Let's get started. Take your potatoes and peel them. Then cut them in a few big pieces. Like three or four pieces. Sure they will cook for a bit longer but they will also suck in less water and taste better because of it. Now put those cut potatoes into a pot, cover them with cold water and add some salt. Bring them to boil and then let them simmer for about 15 minutes. How do you know your potatoes are cooked? Pierce one with a knife or a fork - if its soft then it's done.
- Now comes a little trick that will get rid of even more water and will make this homemade mashed potatoes recipe taste even better. First drain the potatoes and then return them to your pot and put them back on your stove set to low heat. This will make all the excess water evaporate. Just be careful you don't burn them.
- Now its time to mash the potatoes. Add some more salt and pepper (taste the potatoes!) and add warm half milk half cream and butter to your mashed potatoes. Then use a wire masher or a potato ricer or whatever... :) even a fork will work if you are in the wilderness :) and mash the potatoes. And you are done and this homemade mashed potatoes recipe is finished.
- Bon apetit!

@ray etc … for those of you who are criticizing the others who asked about the butter see the authors note 11. The author added it after they pointed it out. The net is cool that way. :)
Quote” Uh, missed the butter, you add it together with milk before mashing the potatoes. Fixed!”
Comment by admin — November 24, 2009 @ 2:40 am
wwwwwoooooooowwwwwwwwwww yummy